
When you're tired...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I'm at work and can't focus and concentrate. Probably because Sophie was down with fever. Yang peliknye her fever will spike up from 6pm onwards. I call it the zombie fever..Y? Sebab nye..siapa yang jage people yang dapat zombie fever nie, confirm will jadi zombie the next day due to sleep deprivation (fuiyooo mcm serious jer tak cukup tido).

Was sooo sleepy this morning that I woke up around 8am and guess who wakes me up. It's none other than the fat chick herself..sambil senyum peluk her teddy..mama dalam hati (hishhhh stressss!!! tp Alhamdulillah nampak si kecik dah sihat). Ape lagi terus bersiap untuk ke office but in full blast zombie mode (maknenye tahap slow gile gaban..kura kura pun lagi laju...)

So what do you do at a time like this? When you're so tired, no hubby to turn to, tidak bermaya lagi and the only thing you think about is your fluffy feather pillow and your super king size bed with comforters (omg just imagining it i almost doze off to the la la land)...senang jer solution nye..

The only pic that has everyone is in it :)

This are my friends at work, my sisters, my support system(most of them are mommies..therefore senang mintak advice and opinion) and my reference.  They are the ones that makes working so bearable.. We laugh together like nobody's business, we cry and feel for each other, we bitch about things together and most importantly, we have lunch together (our favorite time of the day).When I feel down or I feel that I've made a bad decision, I will always turn to them and somehow it feels like I'm not alone...

So thank you my friends. Thank you for making things a little more easier here (ni mcm nak pergi jauh jer bunyi). I know some of you may not be in AMD any longer but you will always stay and lingers in my heart.(awwww sweet sangat tapi cheesy)...LOL

 I love you girls!! 

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