

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

So here I am having food poisoning..pfftfff!! I'm so tired and just chilling in front of the TV. Flipping channels and was watching this movie "50/50" about a young man diagnosed and fighting cancer.

What do you think of when you hear Cancer? Death sentence?...Yeah many of us felt that way when we hear that, especially those who are diagnosed with it. I felt the same way too.

 I remembered accompanying my mom to see her oncologist when he told us that she had metastasis and it was a stage 4 cancer. It was such a heartbreaking news. Of course I didn't know what did that mean at that point of time. And I didn't even google it because I was too scared to know the truth.

Metastasis means the spread of a cancer from one organ or part to another non-adjacent organ or part. Simply means if the cancer cell started from the breast, it is now spreading to the liver, for example.

Stage 4 cancer : You see, there are 4 stages of cancer. 1 being an isolated cancer and 4 being a cancer which has spread to the limit of what the assessment measures.

You see, one thing that I regret the most is that I didn't google this and had I known, I might have do things differently and prepared myself (if you know me, now I Google everything!) . I was so naive, I wanted my mom to be strong and fight it and was being so positive she can fight it again.

When my mom was first diagnosed with cancer, I was the last person to know. I was still studying in UTP back then. I remembered she came alone to UTP and took me to my aunt's house in Batu Gajah. Being the care free me, I noticed that she was different. A lil bit somber than usual. I remembered in the middle of the night, she hugged me from behind thinking that I was asleep. She kissed me and then cried. I didn't know why I didn't just turn and say "Hey ma, I'm awake! What's wrong?". Probably I was only 19 and was not sure how to react to whatever news that she has. But I got to know anyhow when my big brother called me the next day.

Dealing with cancer is never easy. Dealing with people who has cancer is tough as well. When my mom had a metastasis, the doctor sent us to Pusat Cancer Negara to do some bone scanning. I was always right by her side when she did xray and scan. I remember looking at her bones scans and there were black spots all over. I wanted to cry when she asked me " Semua ok kan bi"..I choked for a while and I said "Ok Ma".

Sample of bone scan image with cancer cells

I knew then that it was very serious. I remembered one of the oncologist mentioned that everybody has cancer cells. It just has not been activated. Cancer can be activated when you're stressed, depressed and definitely lifestyle. With the fast pace of life now, more and more people are diagnosed with cancer. Cancer awareness is definitely needed!

When people say Cancer, don't be afraid. Don't look it as a taboo, don't look it as a death sentence. We should support and be strong for each other. Create awareness and help the research/donate to find cure for cancer coz nobody should lose someone you love over this disease 

Donation is just one click away :)

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