
The comb story

Friday, December 16, 2016

So this morning me and hubby had a little argument before he left for work. Things we argue about nowadays, I tell you memanglah pelik..LOL

We argued about comb for god's sake. COMB I tell you!!

Ok here's the thing, you see I have 3 little girls. These girls, omg they just love to berangan, doing fashion shows, main main saloon and stuff like that. For some particular reason they love to play with their daddy's comb. So I always tell them "nak main boleh but please put it back". Being kids, memang lah tak dengar even if you tell them for gazzilionth time.

So this morning hubby snapped and me! Yes at me. I am currently feeling a little bit extra sensitive, with dramas around me, drama about a comb is the last thing that I want to deal with. So I snapped back..bahahah..but knowing that I can't win, I just kept silent (my new policy, not worth my air liur hokay)

So I went for comb shopping today! And the result... jeng jeng jeng

Hamik kau! So papa, you can tell your comb to kiss their hair goodbye. I bet the comb will miss their hair LOL...

But seriously how can you marah this faces...

Well I can!..Bahahah...tamatlah cerita sikat untuk hari ini.

Letter for my girls

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ok emotional writing again. 

To my lovely girls,

I feel like I needed to write this so that one day when you are older, you can read this, relate to what I have to say and reflect on it.

Life is like a roller coaster ride. There are times your heart just wants to explode of fear, sometimes out of excitement, sometimes it is just mundane. That's life in a nutshell. You know all those dramas that we watch, yes all those malay dramas where there's always twist in the plot. That's life. You won't know when the twist will come lurking behind your back and sometimes you are so off guard that you get so overwhelmed. Fret not my babies. Ingat we come to the world alone, we'll leave this world alone and during those hard times too, you are alone, no one will truly feel and understands what you are going through, what you feel. But remember Allah ada. Grumble, complain pour your heart out to Him. He will listen and He will relieve you from the pain. InsyaAllah. Always have faith and keep on believing. When you feel the world has turned their back on you, He will always be there. God will not test you if He knows that you can't get through it. 

One day I will leave this world, and you will feel that you have lost your wings. It's ok my babies, losing a mother is never easy. It doesn't matter at what age you lose them. It's only natural you feel lost at first. CRY. It's ok. One thing that I think i did not do enough is CRY when I lost your mamapah. I kept myself busy taking care of your cousin Hannah that all the emotions got bottled up inside. That when it explode I was such an emotional wrecked. Heal yourself, in time you will get back on your feet and busy with the world around you. Eventually I will not be in your mind just as much, but I know I will always be in your heart. Especially during tough times and when you fell sick. When that happens, it's ok you can cry once in a while. Nobody expects you to be strong.

When bad things happen to you, don't pity yourself too much. Life as you probably know by now gives you curved balls. When you have one of those, believe me things happen for a reason, Sometimes you feel so confused and you will only know the reason years from what had happened. I know this will be hard and almost impossible, but don't worry, eventually you will get the hang of it. Laugh and shake it off. Get up and see the glass half cup full. From your misery, sometimes you bring happiness to people.

When you hit rock bottom, don't worry, as Moon said (kalau dah tengok Sing) "The only way is to go up!". This is true. I have my fair share of this. And when you look back you will feel a sense of satisfaction when you made it up. Remember, there will always be people who wants to see you fall. They will kick you when you are already down. Clap their hands and take advantage of your misfortune, It doesn't matter, chin up my babies. I believe you can get through this, and eventually you will know what to do and what's best for you.

Always surround yourself with positive people. People who loves and appreciates you. Limit your time with negative people. Positive people gives positive results in your life. Negative people puts you down in a black hole. Know when to say NO! It's ok! Because not everybody deserves your time, energy and effort. Have some self respect.

Down the road, there will always be people who will take advantage of your kindness. Remember not to be too nice. But the more people takes advantage of you, remind yourself that you are a kind person. I've raised you right. Always be kind and nice. Smile, Laugh! You will never understand what others had went through that particular day or what problem do they have. If you can't help, be pleasant. That will help them get through their day. Always remember this, and I always REMIND you this as well "Treat people the way you want to be treated". Nobody wants a cranky, grumbling person around them.

I love you my babies. I know I can be crazy garang sometimes, but I want you guys to turn up well. There are a lot of shitty people that I have came across, two timing, backstabbers, pretentious and people that makes your world go crazy. And I don't want any of you to turn up this way. Be honest with your feelings. People may not like it, but truth hurts anyways that is why a lot of people turn their back on them. I may not be the mother that will always vouch for you, but know this that you are not always right. As long as I live, I will guide you and will be there to support you but if you are making mistakes I will not hesitate to "spank" you. If I vouch for you, I'm afraid that you will turn up to be the people I despise the most.  

Lastly my babies, when you feel like you don't know what to do, when you feel like you can't move forward or backwards, remember to just take a step back, breathe and DANCE! Yes dance my babies, find a song that brings u up again and dance. I'm sure by now, you would have remembered that you have danced with me through my tough times. No it was not just a dance session, but it was me trying to figure out my reality, problems and troubles. Having you girls is the best thing that I have ever done. Know that you are my strength and my reason to go on. I LOVE YOU and I hope one day, you will have a chance to love your mini yous just as much as I did.

Emotional writing

Monday, February 22, 2016

While I am writing this I am probably not in a stable state of mind. So if terlebih emosi, please do forgive me.

The thing is i need to vent this out since there is nobody to talk to. Unlike when I used to work, now it's getting a little bit lonely and overwhelming especially after something upsetting happens.

This morning like any other morning, I woke up, get a dose of my daily caffeine and started my daily routine. Everything was ok, Arissa and Zalia woke up and gave me a smile and I gave them a hug in return.

Unlike the other two, my second one woke up cranky and decided to throw one of her worst tantrum. Tried to remain calm, that's when I decided to give both Arissa and Zalia their bath, gave them breakfast and before handling this "spoiled brat"

We had a wrestling match in the toilet, nope scrapped that off, we had a mma fight, no holds bar, no rules. Getting kicked in the tummy and having your breast pulled early in the morning is such a "joy" and "happiness". A ray of sunshine.Not to mentioned, this girl screaming at the top of her lungs is like wow, how do i put this "music" to my ears.

After taking her bath, the next stage begins, and the last part for me. getting her in her uniform means that's it buddy you're going to school.Unfortunately getting kicked again and bending trying to pick her up has taken it's toll on my body (last week had an xray and my back checked and Doctor discovered some injuries). So thank you dear sophie for making it so painfully hurt today. So this is when my heart starts to palpitate, reaching my boiling point, and the transformation to jadi hantu begins. Aku dah naik hantu lah maknanye. And you don't want to see or hear me naik hantu. But this girl is just asking for it lah!

I too started screaming at the top of my lungs. Ok here's a little recap, she did not go to school last Friday and on Monday. So last night she promised not to cry and buat perangai. but she did throw her tantrums she broke her promise and hell yeah aku dah sakit so sorry lah mak naik hantu.

Started my quarrel with her (we fight like sisters according to hubby) when suddenly grandpa decided to put icing on top of this beautiful cake. If she doesn't want to go don't force her. Dia kecik lagi. Omg daddy i'm sorry, but u came at the wrong time. Had a bf and told my daddy that because he said that this spoilt little girl go running to you every single time.

So in the end I lost the battle and she won. She is now as we speak she is watching atok's ipad happily when mommy specifically said no tv, no ipad for you. Thank you my little girl for making me feel the worst today. Loser of the day. I am right now totally giving up. Thank you for kicking me hard when i felt like I am at the lowest point in my life.I am going to school later to cancel your registration. You can stay at home, sit on your throne and rule your kingdom. Just dont come running angrily one day realizing you don't know things. (i told you aku tengah emosi kan). Duit monthly fees to i will use it for my own pleasure, Sekian terima kasih

Questions and remarks that annoy parents :)

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Ok being a mom of 3, no doubt there's challenges there. Ups and downs, it's pack and parcel of parenting.

Here's a list of thing parents (especially mommies) will get annoyed when somebody gave respective comments.

1. Kurusnye anak awak or why your child so thin. Ok here's the breakdown, nobody in this world would want to starve their child. Children are usually picky eaters and are more interested in playing rather than food. Most paediatrics will advice parents not to force feed. In fact memang sujud syukur if the anak nak makan. Just chill and let them explore. They will reach the phase where food will be so desirable. So dah!!

2. Cantik/handsomenye your kids, putih/hitam, rambut straight/curly..ikut siapa? Aiyoyo dah anak aku takkanlah ikut johnny depp pulak. This comment really gets on my nerves. Sometimes rase kena bawak big photo album or family tree,etc just to show where their looks are inherited ok maybe parents tu dah outgrew their beauty and handsomeness ke, dah gelap coz pergi suntanning ke..takkan sume nak report kan kan...moving on!!

3. Omg your kids are so noisy....ok ok maybe you don't realize this, but they are kids!! They play, they laugh, they cry, they throw tantrums, heck i can assure you that you were once like that as well. Kalau my kids are quiet, i,'ll be worried. It's either they are planing som evil lans or sick. So sila kahwin and beranak dulu before nak comment lebih2.

4. Anak you dah pandai baca and tulis ke. Here's the thing. Children are humans too. Born as individual and each and every child are special. Some learn faster than the other and some are a bit slower in certain areas. Macam kita zaman dolu dolu, takdalah semua benda we are good at. So stop giving them pressure, let them learn at their own pace. They will eventually know how to read and write. Don't take away their childhood from them. If we are pressured by this kind of comment you will come down hard on your kids.

5. Anak you ni selalu tak sihat. Hmm... Again, no parents want their kids to be sick. Anak demam panas pun mak boleh menitiskan air mata ok. The thing is if we compared dulu and sekarang, you will see so much difference. Dulu kalau demam panas tinggi melambung, mak mak kita chill jer kan, amik tuala basah and put it at our forehead, but nowadays with more and more outbreaks (thank you to those who opt not to vaccine kan their kids) doctors too are on their toes. Demam sikit ambik darah, duduk hospital for observation, check itu ini just to be sure that it is not something serious. So before you pass remark as if parents are not taking good care of their child, please be considerate. Parents are humans too, they can't protect their kids from everything as much as they want too.

6. Apsal anak you ni sorang rambut kerinting, sorang rambut straight, sorang gelap sikit? ....oh oo..ok this might be personal to me. When you asked me this kind of question, I am so speechless. What can I say? Ni kan semua anugerah Allah SWT. When you ask me this kind of question, I can conclude two things either (a) you are question God's creation or (b) you think that I am messing around with some other

7. Kenapa tak boleh bagi anak you chocolate? Kenapa you bagi anak you minum coke?..haihhh again it's the parents choice. When it comes to parenting, there is no right or wrong. Dont be judgemental. Some things may work for you but not for others and vice versa. So let them be. Every parents know what's best for their kids. You can advice, but if they don't take it, don't take it too hard. We are afterall were raised in different style and circumstances. Don't compare.

Ok ok, I have to admit, some of the remarks kat atas are most probably someone trying to strike a conversation with us parents. But trust me, every parents are sensitive about their kids, simply because they are emotionally attached and its theirs. Tak kisah lah if the anak is still a baby or dah besar panjang dah start ada kedutan pun parents will still be defensive and sensitive when it comes to their kids. So here's a piece of advice. Don't poke the mama bear ok.