
Anna Ke Aaron?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hello fellow yappers!!

It’s been a while since my last entry. Lots of things happened during the long weekend but unfortunately tak dapat nak share since not much picture taken. Uwaaa nak nangis rase L (keluar air mata darah)

So… you guys must be wondering, what’s up with the title of my entry? For some of you yang still don’t know….



I’m pregnant!! 

Pregnant again?? Yes I am!!!. Ade orang may say that we tak control, but this is REZEKI and we are very fortunate. 2 years apart is a good gap :D (smiling ear to ear).  Anyways as usual when you are expecting, you can’t help feeling curious about the gender because that gives you the reason to goooooo SHOPPING!!!

This time around I don’t really have the urge to go shopping for baby stuff coz most of Arissa’s barang is still in good condition. But one thing that I really really really really want to upgrade is the stroller. I proposed this idea to my darling hubby but without even thinking he rejected the idea..*SOB* *SOB*..Fortunately I have a very helpful daughter. (Helpful you say? But she is only 20 months old!!) Yessss helpful!!..Simply because she managed to convinced my hubby that a tandem stroller is a MUST!!

Hari tuh pergi makan with my sister and her little family. Lepas dah habis, she wants to put Shahien (my 31/2 months old nephew) into the stroller. Tiba-tiba kedengaran bunyi tangisan baby yang tak macam baby tengah menangis melalak di seluruh subang parade..Ish ish anak aku rupenyeeee. She wants to sit in Shahien’s stroller sambil menghentak2 kaki and menjerit. So my hubby terpaksela bawak lari..i hate to say this darling but, I TOLD YOU SO!!...

My nephew yang comel lote pope lole..Mak Chu gerammm!!

Now that he is onboard with the idea, I’m considering whether to buy Britax B-Ready stroller or Phil and Ted’s stroller. Kawan2 yang dah ade experience boleh la bg idea yer. Tp Arissa dah naik Britax and she seems to like it. Siap takmo turun ok! I need to test drive Phil and Ted’s plak lepas ni. So untuk menjimat kan cost I am planning to get my friends (ehem eham, Aini and Ain..kalau bolehla..kalaula) that will fly to US soon to get it for me..Kalau bolehla (dalam hati tgh berdoa sekuat hati bolehla bolehla bolehla..kekeke).

Britax which has 14 different positions configuration (ehem ehem)

Phil and Ted's looks good as well

Since I’m getting a new one, I’m trying to sell off my old stroller. Brand Chicco Cortina. Still in good condition coz Arissa pun tak naik sangat. So kalau ade yang interested or any of your friends yang interested, jangan malu2 kucing k J.

Chicco Corina for sale..any takers?
Hopefully I will get the new stroller soon so that Arissa and Anna or Aaron can show it off. Hehe best tak name my unborn child. Tapi blum finalize lagi pun. Anyways here’s a sneak peek of the baby in my growing tummy J

Can you see the hand ttgh posing mcm Mr Burns in The Simpsons  *sigh*..dalam perut dah start posing

Don't know if you can see this, the baby tengah menerap!
Till then fellow yappers J


  1. Don't know what to write? Tapi... Gila panjang yapping :p. On the stroller, hmmm... Tengok lah cemana yer !

  2. Maria : thanks dear

    Aini : entry nie panjang sebab u bising suruh tulis :p..sooo panjang esp fer u..LOL..stroller tu tgkla keadaan korang :)....

  3. salam,

    i suggest beli stroller yang belakang tu budak boleh berdiri. apa nama eh..tatau pulak. sebab anak 1st u nanti umo dahnak masuk 3 tahun kan..

    gigih tu..siap tolong gugel lagi gambar..hoho

    anak2 saya 13mos aje apart. memula pakai tandem stroller. tapi menyampah bila yg no. 2 dah pandai merengek dedua anak taknak duduk belakang. so lepas tu beli stroller yang side-by-side. senang, takde gaduh siapa dapat view siapa yg kena duduk belakang. lagipun kesian kalau tandem stroller tu, siapa yang kena duduk belakang. lagi2 kalau yang tandem stroller yang belakng tu macam tersorok bawah seat depan.

    e ehh..panjang lak tulis pasal stroller..lupa nak cakap congrats :)

    1. salam

      wah thanks for helping me with the research :)
      memang tgh contemplating skarang but great advice..definitely will consider..tulah my hubby pun ade ckp jugak nanti derang berebut plak nak duduk depan
