
You know you're a mommy when.....

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's Thursday and it's THROWBACK TIME!!

Lately I'm surrounded with so many pregnant ladies (yes literally with families and friends). I felt excited pulak to have another kid (Zaid don't get to excited). But not now, not yet!

If i were to be pregnant again, I want my kids to be independent, at least to take care of themselves, ie makan/mandi, tengok tv sendiri. Tak larat dah nak dukung-dukung like I used to dukung Arissa while I was carrying Sophie.

So today I would like to share baby pic of Arissa and Sophie while they were still in the hospital.

This was back in March 2010 and April 2012. See the similarities but I think you can spot which one is Sophie. Sophie yang belah kanan yang banyak rambut tu. Hehe. Look at them now.

So different kan?!? Sorang sooo curly and the other is like super straight. Having kids really turned my life upside down (in a good way). I can't never imagine that another life would need me so much in their life but now I have two.

Here's list of "You know you're a mommy when...". Saje nak share, something to ponder about
  1. You're always complaining about having your own time(facial, gym, date night). But when you do all you can think of is your kid. 
  2. You're FB wall are filled with loads of your kid's picture instead of picture of you camwhoring. Obsessed gile as if other people doesn't have a kid kan <---- note to self
  3. You're going for shopping, you always buy your kid's clothes instead of your own. Tak kisah la panties dah berlubang ke, seluar koyak ke.
  4. You're started to worrying about your kid not pooping and you kept going on and on about it. Kalau time single mingle, dengar pasal berak pun geli. Pffftfff!!
  5. You don't really care what's on cinema anymore. All that lingers in your head are the cartoons theme song in your head ie, barney, thomas, mickey mouse clubhouse, dibo,tayo..really?..i can go on and on with the names of the cartoons.
  6. You started to eat vegetable yourselves just to show a good example. Actualy this is what I've missed for the past 25 years. Refused to eat sayur until you get a wake up call tengok your own kid munching on kacan botol..Double pfftfff!!
  7. You started driving 80km/h on a highway. Walhal dulu mak minah racing hokay. Bawak satria 160km/h..Ish ish - sorry pak polisi!
  8. The time to get out from the house increased from 15 mins tops to full hardcore 120mins. This includes packing, bathing, preparing susu and what not, car seats. Yes thank you daddies out there
  9. You started looking at the best prices/offers for diapers and formula at the supermarket. Dulu jalan buat bodoh jer.
  10. Last but not list. The suffering of a husband. Alah tak yah nak deny la. All mommies does this. I think we concentrate so much  at our kids that sometime we forget our beloved habibi. Kesian!!. Kalau dulu, "Darling you nak makan ape tonite?" skarang jadi "Baby mama nak makan ape tonite?". That is why hubbies out there need to pick up other things to mengisi masa lapang ie futsal. Alasan nak sihat kan badan walhal deprived of kasih sayang..miahahaha......
So if you went through the list and 50% fits you, then confirmlah! You are a mommy!!!

Till then folks..Renung2 kan lah :p

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